EEI Electric Company Members AccesS Here
EEI's Profiles and Rankings of Investor-Owned Electric Companies is your complete resource for holding and operating company-level information and the latest available comparative industry data on investor-owned electric companies.
Useful for electric companies, governmental agencies, state utility commissions, energy consultants, electric industry equipment suppliers, and financial institutions, this publication offers company-specific information on:
- Holding companies--including descriptions of each company's business activities, listings of regulated subsidiaries, maps showing electric service territories as well as the latest available key financial and operating statistics;
- Operating companies--including states they serve as well as pertinent data on customers, sales, and revenues;
- Investor-owned companies affiliated retail electric providers in states with fully or partially deregulated markets;
- Detailed listing of mergers and acquisitions that have occurred over the past 30 years;
- Comprehensive historical listing of investor-owned electric companies no longer in existence or who have changed names
- Company affiliations with Independent System Operators (ISO), Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO), and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) regional councils;
- Listing of all utility services provided by each investor-owned electric operating company
In addition, there are approximately 40 company rankings from the latest industry data available. Company rankings included are based on:
- Holding company--total assets, operating revenues, number of employees, generating capacity, net generation, retail customers, retail electric sales, total employees, electric service territory; total number of transmission pole miles and number of net metering customers. Also, additional rankings showing the number of customers, MWh sales and retail revenues, by class type, have been added to this edition.
- Operating company--retail customers, electric sales, and revenues broken out by class of service (i.e. residential, commercial, and industrial); service territory size, peak demand; total number of transmission pole miles and number of net metering customers.
Stay abreast of the ever-changing world of investor-owned electric companies by clicking on the URL above to download a PDF copy of the report and the associated rankings files in Microsoft Excel format.
Published November 2022
If you have any questions about the publication, please contact Steve Frauenheim at sfrauenheim@eei.org