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Weekly Electric Output

Weekly Electric Output


EEI's Weekly Electric Output provides up-to-date electric output data for nine geographic areas and the total United States. Data are presented on a year-to-date and a 52 weeks-ended basis.


$500.00 - Weekly Electric Output (Non-Member)

$0.00 - Weekly Electric Output (Member)


EEI's Weekly Electric Output provides up-to-date electric output data for nine geographic areas and the total United States. Data are presented on a year-to-date and a 52 weeks-ended basis.

If you are an EEI member, this subscription will never expire; please contact Steve Frauenheim at to be added to the distribution list.

Please note that unless you are an EEI member, this is an annual subscription.  In one year, you will be contacted with an opportunity to renew your subscription.  The non-member price of $500 applies to a one-site license only. For multi-users or redistribution licenses, please contact Steve Frauenheim at for a separate invoice.

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